I recently undertook the design of a new personal website, which you are currently browsing. I started by refreshing my knowledge in HTML/CSS/JS thanks to Scrimba, a platform I would highly recommend to anyonye willing to further his/her coding skills.

I then went for an extensive research and prototyping phase. Once the whole thing prototyped in Illustrator, I started the development phase. All the code was written from scratch in VS Code. I used many HTML5 and CSS3 features (CSS grids and flexbox display, CSS animations, blending modes, CSS transitions, SVG integrations, media queries, pseudo-classes and elements) as well as some basic JS functions.

This was one of the most satisfying projects, as well as one of the most technical, I've ever worked on. Personally taking care of every single aspect of the conception, from the first ideas and prototyping to the actual development and media integrations was extremely gratifying.

hugo villeneuve website
higo villeneuve website
higo villeneuve website
higo villeneuve website
higo villeneuve website
higo villeneuve website