self portrait

My name’s Hugo and I am in love with every form of digital creation. I am currently based in:




San Diego





long ago

I fell in love with computers at a young age. It probably occured when I found out that with Internet absolutely everything can be achieved, as long as you're curious and persevering enough. I went on to spend hours, days and nights, perfecting my skills by maniacally bouncing from a tutorial to another.



I started to put those skills to use, working as a video editor for the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, or as a graphic designer for the European Space Agency. I then joined Hemblem, a rapidly growing social media agency, where I took the head of the production team. When I arrived the group was only made up of two people. By the time I left I was managing a team of 15 creatives (photographers, videographers, graphic designers, motion designers, developers and illustrators).

I learnt many things, but what taught me the most is the variety of situations to which I have been exposed. Creatively respond to a complex brief, teach software techniques, maximising the creative output on a tight budget are among the things I was faced with, every day.



Today I work in freelance for different types of clients, from small indie business to major sector-leading companies. Services I offer include but are not limited to :

  • Video Shooting and Editing

  • Graphic Design

  • Visual Identity and Branding

  • Motion Design

  • Web Design and Development

  • Illustration

  • Growth Strategy for social networks

Just get in touch. I'd be happy to discuss your needs and find a way to satisfy them, whether it is for creating content that is simply beautiful or finding ROI driven solutions that will make your business thrive.